- Деталі
- Автор: Oksana Kis
International Interdisciplinary Conference
“Women’s Rights and Violence in the Contemporary World”
30-31 March 2017, University of Gdańsk
Deadline for proposals: 5 February 2017
Women’s rights were never respected in the past. And they are not respected today, even though it seems that many things have been changed and that we are now much more aware of the gender inequalities than our parents were. In our crazy world increasingly accepting all kinds of extremism and fundamentalism, there is less and less place for an open and honest discussion about women’s needs and expectations. During our interdisciplinary conference we would like to look at various manifestations of violence and women’s rights violation in the contemporary world, and also at the possible ways of counteracting such phenomena. We will describe them in political, social, psychological, cultural and many other terms. We also want to devote considerable attention to how the situation of women’s rights is represented in artistic practices: in literature, film, theatre or visual arts.
Детальніше: Conference “Women’s Rights and Violence in the Contemporary World”
- Деталі
- Автор: Oksana Kis
Conference “Between Exploitation and Empowerment: Participation of Women in the Second World War”
17 June 2017 - University of East Anglia, UK
Deadline - 1 February 2017
‘The “female” war has its own colours, smells, lighting and sensory space. Its own words. There are no heroes and extraordinary deeds, there are just people, busy with their inhuman human affairs’. (Svetlana Aleksievich, 1988)
- Деталі
- Автор: Oksana Kis
International interdisciplinary conference
“Gender - Power - Eastern Europe: Changing Concepts of Femininities and Masculinities and Power Relations”
20-23 June 2017 - Osteuropa-Institut, Freie Universität Berlin
Deadline - 20 October 2016
The rise of right wing populist parties and conservative movements in Eastern Europe , from Poland to Hungary and Russia, has dramatically affected discourses about and concepts of gender. The "turn to the right" has also ushered substantial shifts in policies concerning women's rights as well as gender studies as an academic and educational project. Arguably, in some cases right wing political victory was facilitated by usage of anti-gender equality rhetoric (anti-genderism; anti-gender mobilization). These worrisome developments demand exploration in broader contexts. Yet, the situation in East European societies is quite diverse if scrutinized from a gender perspective.
- Деталі
- Автор: Oksana Kis
140-літтю від дня народження Катрі Гриневичевої присвячується
19-20 травня на базі Львівського національного університету ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З.Гжицького відбулася ІІ Міжнародна науково-практична конференція «Сестри по обидва береги Збруча: історичний досвід жіноцтва Галичини та Наддніпрянщини», присвячена 140-ій річниці від дня народження визначної української інтелектуалки, громадської діячки, письменниці, педагога, редактора дитячого журналу «Дзвінок» Катрі Гриневичевої.